
Cyclone® KIUBE
For small 64Cu production, the most cost-effective solution is the irradiation of a liquid target at an energy around 14-16 MeV protons. Cyclone® KIUBE can have different fixed exit energy with its Custom Energy feature allowing the highest purity.
Cyclone® KIUBE can also be equipped with a degrader foil on the liquid target
Nirta® Liquid target
The irradiation of enriched Ni via 64Ni(p,n)64Cu nuclear reaction, which is extensively prevalent and with almost no competitive copper radioisotopes involved in the process to deteriorate the purity.
Synthera® extension
The technique is capable of delivering batches of purified 64Cu ([64Cu]CuCl2); with only 30 min of post-process after End-Of-Beam (EOB), while avoiding the technical difficulties arising from the use of conventional solid targets.
Efficient for small productions