
Cyclone® KIUBE
89Zr is produced on a cyclotron using proton bombardment (14-14,5MeV). This can be obtained using the Cyclone® KIUBE Custom Energy feature or a degrader foil.
Nirta® solid target
The production of 89Zr, from the 89Y( p,n)89Zr only requires a natural 89Y-foil as target material. This foil is then placed onto a aluminium/copper disk in the Nirta® Solid target. The target material is then irradiated and it is manually or automatically transferred to a hot cell.
Pinctada® Metal
The irradiated target material is then dissolved and post-processed. Pinctada® platform is a complete industrial platform for the dissolution & purification of 89Zr-oxalate. After purification, the purified radioisotope is obtained in the form of 89Zr-oxalate and it can be used for further labelling manually or on Synthera®