68Ga-PSMA : from production to clinical applications
Numerous clinical trials with Ga-PSMA PET/CT have demonstrated that this procedure outperforms current standard imaging for both specificity and sensitivity. It is used to detect sites of prostate cancer allowing complete evaluation of the local tumor and lymph nodes, visceral and bone metastases with high accuracy in only one examination.
What will you learn from the webinar ?
- 68Ga Production process from a cyclotron: why & how? - By Prof. Francisco Alves
Prof. Alves will share his expertise on the production process of 68Ga from cyclotron using a liquid target to labelling. He will give a financial insight on the cyclotron versus generator production based on his site experience and context.
- Diagnostic efficacy of 68Ga-PSMA versus conventional imaging in prostate cancer patients - By Dr. Jeremie Calais
Dr. Calais will compare 68Ga-PSMA PET-CT Imaging with conventional modalities and its impact in the management of patient with prostate cancer.
Prof. Francisco Alves
Chief physicist & head of Cyclotron at ICNAS-University of Coimbra in Portugal
Dr. Jeremie Calais
Director of the Clinical Research Program of the Nuclear Medicine and Theranostics Division at UCLA